
聯絡我請E-mail: pingjen.chen@gmail.com
奇美醫學中心門診時間: 週三上午、週五下午--高齡醫學整合門診暨安寧緩和醫療特別門診(代碼7303) 

目前分類:2013-14 UK (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Marie Curie Hospice Hampstead


DTU - Day therapy Unit

Doctor and nurses clinics, Psychosocial team, Gym with Physiotherpy, Aromatherpay, Hypnotherapy, Art therpay, Massage, Meditation, Barber

聘人的經費來源:Hospice (Charity本身):Nurses, psychosocial teams, 大部分的Physio, 其他以Volunteer居多

                        NHS:Doctors, 少部分hospice 的Physio, 合作的pharmacist

2 Levels of wards,共28床,幾乎都是單人房,只有一間多人房(Bay)

病房有AED和急救藥物,因為不一定每個人都硬性要有DNR consent or assent才能住,也有長期短暫住院來做症狀控制的病人希望被CPR的。


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Macmillan nurses

For many people affected by cancer, Macmillan nurses are a valued and trusted source of expert information, advice and support - free of charge. As of December 2011, there were 3,707 Macmillan nurse posts across the UK, both in hospitals and in the community.


About Macmillan nurses

All Macmillan nurses are registered nurses with at least five years' experience, including two or more years in cancer or palliative care. They complete specialist courses in managing pain and other symptoms, and in psychological support.

Macmillan nurses are usually employed by the NHS and their posts are funded by Macmillan for a set time, often for the first three years. After that time, the long-term funding is taken up by the NHS or other partner organisations.

The nurses work in NHS hospitals and the community, and aren't usually associated with private health care. They do not undertake routine nursing tasks, but if you need this kind of support, there are other nurses who can help.





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